2012 Christmas Memorial IEC POMC Photos

The photos from the 2012 Annual Christmas Memorial Potluck and Ornament Dedication, put on by the Inland Empire Chapter of Parents Of Murdered Children, are now available to view. 

If you see some you'd like to have, feel free to save them as this is my way of donating to Parents Of Murdered Children in memory of our loved ones. [You will need to right click the photo, and select a size you’d like to save it as, then you will be able to either download the photo or right click/save]. I just ask that you credit me when sharing publicly (link to my website/facebook okay, link at bottom of post). 

The link below will take you to the photos. If you are asked for a password, enter photos12

If you have any comments or questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! I'd love to hear from you!
